Underground Fans From Glory Days to Nowadays |
Statistics | We have 12556 registered users The newest registered user is Zj141
Our users have posted a total of 65992 messages in 1334 subjects
Who is online? | In total there are 13 users online :: 1 Registered, 0 Hidden and 12 Guests BangMost users ever online was 415 on Fri Nov 22, 2024 3:31 pm |
| ::.:: UNDERGROUND FANS ....Your oldest terraces news page Since 1998 ::.:: | SINCE 1998, Underground Fans:
your oldest terraces news page.
NEED U FOR OLD SCHOOL REPORTS: don't hesitate to send them to us, from the 70's to the 90's to complete our old tales from the past. Keep the goold old days alive. ********
BESOIN DE VOTRE COLLABORATION: nous continuons à poster et donc rechercher des compte-rendus/photos/articles de presse des évènements survenus des 70's au 90's.
***For safety reasons we will never give infos about who has sent something. But, also for safety reasons, you won't receive any response ;o) Thanks for your help and to understand. UF'98...the oldest one
This board is provided as a news resource for those interested in such matters. The owners of the board do not condone, glorify or promote violence or football hooliganism.
Ce forum n'existe que pour compiler toutes les informations relatives à ce type d'évènement. En aucun cas l'équipe du forum ne condamne, ne glorifie ou ne fait la promotion de la violence ou du hooliganisme.*** |
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Who is online? | | Our users have posted a total of 65992 messages We have 12556 registered users The newest registered user is Zj141 | In total there are 13 users online :: 1 Registered, 0 Hidden and 12 Guests Most users ever online was 415 on Fri Nov 22, 2024 3:31 pm
Registered Users: Bang
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